Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Mathematics E-portfolio

Mathematics (MATH 0103)

         Here is a short introduction of the mathematics assignment. This assignment is all about applying the mathematics formulas needed according to the relevant chapters in order to be able to construct a paper-model. By applying those formulas and work out a correct answer, the model will be constructed in a perfect posture and position without any mistakes.

                                             This is the question given about the assignment

I was in charged of sorting out the volume of the whole model, which has been done in three separate parts, which includes the inner pyramid, the two combined cylinders and the two combined outer ring. 

This is the result

Based on the above answer, I have applied the formula below, which is the 
formula of the pyramid volume. 

1st part: Pyramid
 Firstly, I separated the pyramid into two smaller pyramids in order to find the volume of the inner prism in the model. Thus, I have applied the formula of volume of pyramid to find both the volume of big and small pyramids. After that, all I have to do is just to get the volume of the bigger pyramid to deduct the smaller pyramid, therefore I will get the volume of the inner prism, which will be the shaded region according to the above result.

2nd part: Cylinder 
Second, what I did to find the total volume of the two combined cylinders is to get the oval shaded region in between of the cylinders. By doing that, I applied the formula of area of segment to get the volume of the center shaded region. After that, I applied the formula of volume of cylinder and multiply the answer by 2 to get the volume of two cylinders. Lastly, in order to get the total volume of the two combined cylinders, all I have to do is just take the volume of two cylinders and deduct the volume of the shaded region and I will obtain the answer. 

3rd part: Outer ring
Finally, in order to obtain the volume of the outer ring, I have applied the formula of area of shaded region, and then multiply it with the height. With that, I would obtain the answer. 

Upon completing my part of finding the volume of the whole model, and applied the formula to construct it, and it was a success along with the collaboration from my teammates. 

Here is a snapshot of our model

Thank You! 

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